Mementō. 2015

Sound Installation in Public Space 

10m x 9m x 4m. 6 channel sound, PP raffia fabric, contact mics, braided steel cable, custom software.

MEMENTŌ is a public sound installation in collaboration with the architect collective Moradavaga.

Eighty-four sheets of plastic emulating paper are forming a moving labyrinth. Each sheet has a contact microphone that detects its movement and triggers the sound in a 6-channel system.

Penetrating this paper forest, the visitor slowly discovers that the di erent surrounding sounds are created not only by the wind but also by his/her own movements. It can become either a playground or a still and poetic space for contemplation. In this way Memento is a polymorphous installation, getting in uenced by its audience and the space conditions.


Commission: Imaginarius Festival
Host: Santa Maria da Feira
Idea, Design, Construction: Manfred Eccli, Pedro Cavaco
Idea, Sound, Software: Marc Vilanova
Performers: Mbalou Arnould, Nella Turkki
Installation Support: Rossana Ribeiro
Partner: Cavaco & Coquet, Lda
Support: Grupo Portucel Soporcel
Special Thanks: Miguel Coquet, Sr. Ricardo, Rita Pinto, Dr. Fernando Jorge Monteiro, Marco Santos, Andrea Valente, Pedro Nuno Santos, Adriana Brandão, Humberto Teixeira, Bruno Costa, Daniel Vilar, Gil Ferreira

Not available for booking

© 2022 Marc Vilanova
© 2022 Marc Vilanova