Phonos. 2020-2022

Sculptural Sound Installation

3m x 5m x 3m. 208 channel sound, 208 speaker cones, 104 ampli ers, 26 audio interfaces, audio cables, steel, custom software.

Phonos is an installation using infrasonic frequencies, which are extremely low frequencies imperceptible to us yet present in our daily lives.

An individual audio signal is sent to each of the two hundred and eight recycled speakers. Due to their size, the speakers are incapable of reproducing infrasounds. In their attempt to emit them, we experience how each speaker moves, rendering visible an imperceptible sound. At the same time, we can hear the frictions of their mechanics, generating a synchronized polyrhythm that moves throughout the frontal octagon. Despite Phonos’ large dimensions, the piece invites you to get close and have an intimate experience with it.


Commission: Fundació Phonos
Idea | Production | Design | Construction: Marc Vilanova
Structure designed and created in collaboration with: 2monos
Metal Work: Alejandro Dumon, Ivan Mena
Hardware and Software: Alfredo Ardia
Installation Support: Venus Villa, Mateu Targa, Joan Perramon, Júlia Faura
Help: Giovanna Langone, Arantxa Boyero, Llorenç Balaguer, Joan Manel Pérez, David Chia, Gil Roca, Marc Ramis, Montse López, Berenice Moran, Caro Palmeiro, Alexis Castellano, Fernando Garcia-Valiño, Alejandra Andrés, Pedro Ramoneda, Teresa Pelinski, Lucas Elías, Joaquín Molina, Matías Tolchinsky
Special Thanks: Jordi Alomar, Ángel Faraldo, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Carles Pons, Lluís Campos, Anna Benet, Mar Medinyà, Iris Yirei Hu, Philippe Dumon, Nicoletta Mantoan, Família Vilanova Pinyol, Can Timoner, Konvent Puntzero
Support: Fundació Phonos, OSIC, Fabra i Coats, Casal Solleric, Museu de la Música, Auditori de Barcelona, Institut Ramón Llull
Photos: Anna Benet

Available for booking

© 2022 Marc Vilanova
© 2022 Marc Vilanova